I published a coauthored paper on the substitutability between electricity and fossil fuel inside manufacturing plants in Energy Economics (co-authored with Aline Mortha (PhD student) )
Prof. Nicole Darnall (RIEEM Fellow, Arizona State University) has received the President’s Awards at Arizona State University, for her outstanding work in collaboration with RIEEM.
I published an Open Access book titled “Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan” (Coauthor, Akira Hibiki)
I have published a co-authored book chapter on environmental tax and carbon pricing in Asia.
I published a coauthored paper on EUCarbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism in Japan & the World Economy (co-authored with Shiro Takeda)
I published a coauthored paper on Feed-in-Tariff in Japan & the World Economy (co-authored with Aline Mortha and Naonari Yajima).
I organized an interdisciplinary workshop on energy and the environment in Paris.