New papers or DP are available in DEAS/REPEC or Google Scholar.

Refereed Papers

The Long-Term Impact of Wind Power Generation on a Local Community: Economics Analysis of Subjective Well-Being Data in Chōshi City

Energies 2021, 14(13), 3984, (Coauthors, Yushi Kunugi, Miwa Nakai)

A computable general equilibrium analysis of environmental tax reform in Japan with a forward-looking dynamic model

Sustainability Science, Sustainability Science, published online (open access), pp.1-19. (Coauthor, Shiro Takeda)

Advancement of Green Public Purchasing by Category: Do Municipality Green Purchasing Policies Have Any Role in Japan?

Sustainability 2020, 12(21), 8979 (Coauthors, Takuro Miyamoto, Naonari Yajima and Takahiro Tsukahara)

The role of staff assignment in implementing energy-conserving practices in small- and medium-sized firms: an empirical analysis based on data from a Japanese survey

Energy Efficiency, Vol. 13, No.7, (2020.10), pp.1763–1780 (Coauthor, Masayo Wakabayashi)

How much household electricity consumption is actually saved by replacement with Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)?

Economic Analysis and Policy, ELSEVIER Vol.68, (2020),pp.224-238 (Coauthors, Hiroki Onuma, Shigeru Matsumoto)

The Impact of the Tokyo Emissions Trading Scheme on Office Buildings: What factor contributed to the emission reduction?

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol.23, (2020), pp.517-533, (Coauthor, Tatsuya Abe)

Energy-Related Environmental Policy and its Impacts on Energy Use in Asia

Asian Economic Policy Review, published online. (2020), pp. 1-18, (Coauthor, Makoto Sugino)

The externality of vacant houses: The case of Toshima municipality, Tokyo, Japan

Economic Review of Regional Studies Vol. 50, No. 2, (2020), pp. 1-22 (Coauthors, Taisuke Sadayuki and Yuki Kanayama)

Political economy of voluntary approaches: A lesson from environmental policies in Japan

Economic Analysis and Policy(2019) (Coauthors, S Kaneko, S Managi, T Shinkuma, M Yamamoto and Y Yoshida)

Labor Market Distortions and Welfare‑Decreasing International Emissions Trading

Environmental and Resource Economics(2019) pp. 1-23 (Coauthors, S. Takeda and Makoto Sugino)

Information leverage: The adoption of clean cooking fuel in Bhutan

Energy Policy, Vol. 125, (2019) pp. 181-195(Coauthor, Ngawang Dendup)

Cost-efficient strategy for reducing PM 2.5 levels in the Tokyo metropolitan area: An integrated approach with air quality and economic models

PLOS ONE, Vol. 13(11): e0207623, (2018) pp. 1-18 (Coauthors, Yushi Kunugi, Kazuyuki Iwata, Eiji Komatsu and Yoshie Hirayama)

Double Dividend of Carbon Pricing: Toward the Green Growth

Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies Vol.11(2), (2018) pp. 73-78. (Coauthors, Shiro Takeda and Hiroki Onuma) (in Japanese)

Multiplier Impacts and Emission Reduction Effects of Joint Crediting Mechanism: Analysis with a Japanese and International Disaggregated Input-Output Table

Environmental Economic and Policy Studies, Vol.19(3), (2017) pp.635-657 (Coauthors, Makoto Sugino, Minoru Morita and Kazuyuki Iwata)

Technology Transfer and Cost Structure of Clean Development Mechanism Projects: An Empirical Study of Indian Cases

Environmental Economic and Policy Studies, Vol.19(3), (2017) pp. 609-633 (Coauthors, Nils Simon, Minoru Morita, Akihisa Kuriyama and Kazuhisa Koakutsu)

Same concerns, same responses? A Bayesian quantile regression analysis of the determinants for supporting nuclear power generation in Japan

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol. 19 (3), (2017) pp. 581-608 (Coauthors, Yukiko Omata and Hajime Katayama)

Subjective Well-being and Natural Capital in Japan ̶An Empirical Analysis Using Micro Data

Environmental Science, Vol.30(2), (2017) pp.96-106 (Coauthors, Yushi Kunugi, Toru Nakashizuka and Michio Oguro) (in Japanese)

An Econometric Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program by Provincial Governments ― A Quantitative Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector―

Environmental Science, Vol. 30(2), (2017) pp. 121-130 (Coauthor, Naonari Yajima)(in Japanese)

Do Social Norms Matter to Energy-Saving Behavior? Endogenous Social and Correlated Effects

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol. 3 (3), (2016) pp. 525-553 (Coauthors, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo)

Voluntary agreements to encourage proactive firm action against climate change: an empirical study of industry associations' voluntary action plans in Japan

Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.112 (4), (2016) pp. 2885-2895 (Coauthor, Masayo Wakabayashi)

The Effect of ISO 14001 on Environmental Performance: Resolving Equivocal Findings

Journal of Environmental Management, Vol.166(15), (2016) pp.556-566 (Coauthors, Nicole Darnall, Rama Ganguli and Hajime Katayama)

Do households under- or over-estimate benefits from energy saving behaviors?: Evidence from the Japanese household survey

Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol.25, (2015) pp.27-33 (Coauthors, Kazuyuki Iwata and Hajime Katayama)

Is there Any Difference Between SMEs and Large Enterprises in the Incentive of ISO14001 Certification and the Effect of Certification?

Environmental Science, Vol. 27(6), (2014) pp. 347-353 (Coauthors, Hakaru Iguchi, Wu Xiao Yun) (in Japanese)

Output-based allocation of emissions permits for mitigating the leakage and competitiveness issues for the Japanese economy

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol.16, (2014) pp.89-110 (Coauthors, Shiro Takeda, Hanae Tamechika, H, Carolyn Fischer and Alan K. Fox)

A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Border Adjustments for Climate Change Policy

Economic Analysis, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Vol. 186, (2013) January, pp. 165-208, (Coauthors, Shiro Takeda & Susumu Suzuki). (in Japanese)

A new insight into environmental innovation: Does the maturity of environmental management systems matter?

Ecological Economics, Vol.94, (2013) pp.156-163 (Coauthors, Emiko Inoue, Makiko Nakano)

The effects of alternative carbon mitigation policies on Japanese industries

Energy Policy, Vol.62, (2013) pp.1254-1267 (Coauthors, Makoto Sugino, Richard D. Morgenstern)

The Impact of a Carbon Tax on the Industry and Household ―An Input-output Analysis―

Environmental Science, Vol. 25(2), (2012) pp. 126-133 (Coauthors, Makoto Sugino, Minoru Morita) (in Japanese)

A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Border Adjustments under the Cap-and-Trade System: A Case Study of the Japanese Economy

Climate Change Economics, Vol.3(1), (2012) pp. (1250003)1-30 (Coauthors, Shiro Takeda and Tetsuya Horie)

Cost-Effectiveness of Electricity Energy Efficiency Programs

The Energy Journal , Vol.33(2), (2012) pp63-99 (Coauthors, Shanjun Li, Richard G. Newell and Karen Palmer)

The Effects of Voluntary Action Plans on Energy-Saving Investment: An Empirical Study of the Japanese Manufacturing Sector

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol.13(3), (2011) pp.237-257 (Coauthor, Makoto Sugino)

Case Study on Adoption of Environmental Management System and Environmental Management Practices in Japan

International Journal for Sustainable Innovations, Vol.1(1), (2011) pp.8-15 (Coauthor, Akira Hibiki)

Is ISO 14001 a Gateway to More Advanced Voluntary Action? A Case for Green Supply Chain Management

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 61(2), (2011) pp 170-182 (Coauthors, Nicole Darnall, Hajime Katayama)

Measures to Protect the Environment and Conserve Energy Taken by the United States and Japan: Review of Quantitative Analysis

Far Eastern Studies, Vol.9, (2010) pp.65-87 (Coauthor, Kazuyuki Iwata)

An Empirical Study on Determinants of ISO14001 Certification and its Effect on Reduction in Toluene in Toluene Emissions in Japan

JCER Economic Journal, No.62, (2010) pp.16-38 (Coauthor, Kazuyuki Iwata, Akira Hibiki) (in Japanese)

Economic Analysis of a Japanese Air Pollution Regulation: An Optimal Retirement Problem under Vehicle Type Regulation in the NOx–Particulate Matter Law

Transportation Research Part D 14(3) ,(2009) pp.157-167 (Coauthor, Kazuyuki Iwata)

Is a Voluntary Approach an Effective Environmental Policy Instrument? A Case for Environmental Management Systems

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 55(3), (2008) pp.281-295 (Coauthors, Akira Hibiki, Hajime Katayama)

The CO2 Emission Reduction under the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy: An Empirical Study of Energy Management in the Japanese Hotel Industry

Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies Vol.1(1)(2008) pp.79-89 (Coauthor, Kazuyuki Iwata) (in Japanese).

Economic Analysis on Motor-Vehicle Type Regulation: Policy Evaluation of NOx-PM Law

Environmental Science, Vol. 21(2), (2008) pp. 103-114 (Coauthor, Kazuyuki Iwata) (in Japanese)

Incentives of Facilities for Environmental Management and the Impact of Their Stakeholders: from the Results of OECD Survey

Planning Administration, Vol.30(2), (2007) pp.61-68 (Coauthor, Akira Hibiki) (in Japanese)

An Empirical Study of the SO2 Allowance Market: Effects of PUC Regulations

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol.44, (2002) pp.271-289

Non-Refereed Papers

EEPS special issue on “Carbon Pricing in East Asia”

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. published online, (2021)(open access), (Coauthors, M. Duan & H. Oh,)

Overview of Carbon Pricing Instruments in the World: Challenges and Opportunities for Japan

Environmental Information Science, Vol.48(1), (2019) pp. 35-42 (Coauthor, Tatsuya Abe) (in Japanese)

The Potential of Carbon Market Linkage between Japan and China

Carbon Market Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Assessing Challenges and Overcoming Barriers, Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) report, (2018) pp. 103-113

International Cooperation on Climate Policy from the Japanese Perspective

International Cooperation in East Asia to Address Climate Change, Edited by Robert N. Stavins and Robert C. Stowe, Harvard Project on Climate Agreements with the support of The Harvard Global Institute, (2018) pp. 23-26 (Coauthor, Shiro Takeda)

EEPS special issue on Enhancing renewable energy and energy efficiency: Japanese and US policies with implications for Asia

Environmental Economic and Policy Studies, Vol.19 (3), (2017) pp.451-457 (Coauthor, Nori Tarui)

Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Role of Economic Instruments

Environmental Information Science, Vol.44(1), (2015), pp. 36-41 (Coauthor, Makoto Sugino) (in Japanese)

Carbon Policies, Competitiveness, and Emissions Leakage: An International Perspective

RFF conference summary, (2010) (Coauthors, Carolyn Fischer, Eric Moore and Richard Morgenstern)

The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Technological Innovation: An assessment of the Porter hypothesis with firm level environmental R&D data

The Journal of science Policy and Research Management, Vol.23(3), (2008), pp. 201-211, (Coauthor, Makoto Sugino) (in Japanese)

Does stringent environmental regulation stimulate environment related technological innovation?

Sophia Economic Review Vol52, No1-2,(2007) pp.1-14 (Coauthor, Makoto Sugino)


Carbon Pricing in Japan (Open access)

Springer(2020)(Coeditor, Shigeru.Matstumo)

An Evaluation of Japanese Environmental Regulations –Quantitative Approaches from Environmental Economics-

Springer (2015) pp.1-191. (Coauthor,:Kazuyuki Iwata)

Book Chapters

Climate Policy in Commercial Sector: A Survey on Commercial Building in Japan.

in Carbon Pricing in Japan, Edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto, Springer,(2020) pp. 23 - 43 (Coauthor, Hiroki Onuma)

An Empirical Study of the Tokyo EmissionsTrading Scheme: An Ex Post Analysis of Emissions from University Buildings.

in Carbon Pricing in Japan, Edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto, Springer,(2020) pp. 97 - 116 (Coauthor, Tatsuya Abe)

Energy Consumption in Transition: Evidence from Facility-Level Data.

in Carbon Pricing in Japan, Edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto, Springer,(2020) pp. 129 - 150 (Coauthors, Naonari Yajima and Taisuke Sadayuki)

Double Dividend of the Carbon Tax in Japan: Can We Increase Public Support for Carbon Pricing?

in Carbon Pricing in Japan, Edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto, Springer,(2020) pp. 235 - 255 (Coauthors, Kenji Asakawa, Kouichi Kimoto and Shiro Takeda)

A Policy Evaluation of the Eco Point Program

in Environmental Subsidies to Consumers: How Did They Work in the Japanese Market?, Edited by Shigeru Matsumoto, pp.91-110, Routledge: 2016 (Coathor, M.Morita)

Japanese Environmental Policy

in the Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia, Edited by S. Managi, pp.516-531: 2015

The Role of Local Government in the Voluntary Approach to Environmental Policy: A Case Study of Policy Mix and Multilevel Governance Aimed at Sustainable Development in Japan

in Governing Low-Carbon Development and the Economy, Edited by H. Niizawa and T.Morotomi, pp.132-146: 2012 (Coathor,Y. Yamamoto)

An Empirical Study of Environmental R&D: What Encourages Facilities to be Environmentally-Innovative?

A chapter in Environmental Policy And Corporate Behaviour, Edited by Nick Johnstone, Edward Elgar Publishing, (2007) pp.142-173 (Coauthors ,Akira Hibiki, Nick Johnstone)

Discussion Papers

Seemingly Unrelated Interventions: Environmental Management Systems in the Workplace and Energy Conservation Behaviors at Home

Discussion Paper Series No.1802, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, (2018) pp.1-41. (Coauthors, Kazuyuki Iwata, Hajime Katayama , Mari Sakudo)

Carbon Pricing: Lessons from Subnational Success

Presented at the ABE Fellowship Program: Confronting Climate Change: What can the US and JAPAN Contribute to Creating Sustainable Societies?, (2017) pp. 23-26.

Adoption of ISO9001 through Supply Chain in Vietnam: Impacts of FDI and Product-related Environmental Regulation

IDE Discussion Paper No. 497., (2015) (Coauthors, Hakaru Iguchi, Etsuyo michida)

Economic Impacts and Emissions Reduction Effects of JCM: Analysis using a Disaggregated Input-Output Table

Working Paper Series, No.E1313, Institute for Research in Contemporary Political and Economic Affairs, Waseda University., (2014) (Coauthors, Makoto Sugino, Kazuyuki Iwata, Minoru Morita)

Product-related Environmental Regulation and Voluntary Environmental Actions: Impacts of RoHS and REACH in Malaysia

IDE Discussion Paper, No.454 (2014). (Coauthrs, Hakaru Iguchi and Etsuyo Michida)