Green Purchasing by Local Municipalities

Local municipalities generate large environmental impacts from their daily activities. However, by adopting “green purchasing”, they can reduce their environmental impacts. . Professor Nicole Darnall at Arizona State University has conducted research on sustainable and green purchasing by local governments in the US. Professor Darnall and I are now collaborating in the research of green purchasing by Japanese local municipalities together with Prof. Takuro Miyamoto at Tohoku Gakuin University.

Major Publications

  1. Refereed Papers

    Advancement of Green Public Purchasing by Category: Do Municipality Green Purchasing Policies Have Any Role in Japan?

    Sustainability 2020, 12(21), 8979 (Coauthors, Takuro Miyamoto, Naonari Yajima and Takahiro Tsukahara)
  2. Report

    Advancing Green Purchasing in Japanese Municipalities

    (2019) by Arizona State University and Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management, Waseda University
  3. Related Links