Indoor Air Pollution Issues in Developing Economics

The combustion of solid fuel with an inefficient cookstove is the primary cause of indoor air pollution (IAP), especially in developing countries. The problem of IAP has been identified as a prominent source of environmental health hazards, responsible for the premature deaths of 4.3 million people in 2012 (WHO, 2014) and 5 percent of the global burden of disease, expressed in terms of disability-adjusted life years. To solve IAP problems, I examine how to encourage rural households to choose clean energy, using data from Bhutan and India.

Major publications

  1. Refereed Papers

    Information leverage: The adoption of clean cooking fuel in Bhutan,

    Energy Policy, 125, pp. 181-195. (Ngawang Dendup & Toshi H. Arimura (2019))
  2. Conference Presentations(Including presentations by coauthors)

    Subjective beliefs and estimated risks: Evidence from cooking fuel choices and health in India

    Tthe 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists. the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama & Mari Sakudo (2018))

    Subjective Probabilistic Expectations, Indoor Air Pollution and Health: Evidence from Cooking Fuel Use Pattern in India

    1st Asian Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics, Waseda Institute of Social & Human Capital Studies (WISH), Waseda University (Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo, & Hide-Fumi Yokoo, (2018))

    Subjective Probabilistic Expectations, Indoor Air Pollution and Health: Evidence from Cooking Fuel Use Pattern in India

    European Association of Environmental and Resources Economist Conference at the University of Manchester, England(Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo, & Hide-Fumi Yokoo, (2019))